
Hello! I’m Abigail, the founder & Editor-In-Chief of Ladies Take Notes. I originally launched this website to share my zest for experiencing life through fashion, travel & beauty.

From a young age, my dad taught me that “if you are going to do something, do it well.” Being raised with this outlook cultivated a desire for excellence in anything I put my mind to. That’s why I love the science behind a well put together outfit, the deliberate transformation process of makeup artistry & the vibrant experience of discovering new places. If I am doing anything, I’m doing it well.

However, just as I have evolved from being a digital creator to an entrepreneur who is carving out a life full of adventure, this space has also grown into a safe haven & resource for women who want to take control of their life & look fabulous while doing it.

LADIESTAKENOTES.COM is dedicated to inspiring women to put their best foot forward in life, through helpful style, lifestyle and educational content, while helping content creators & business owners grow & monetize their digital presence.

To keep in touch, follow me on Instagram & checkout my Youtube Channel for awesome tips & updates.

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.