The breakout and the spread of Corona Virus has been incredibly unprecedented and it’s had effects on just about every industry. People are now in quarantine, working from home, doing school work from home, or worse yet, being laid off with nothing to do and a cash flow problem. Being stuck indoors can make one feel trapped, and it’s in times like this where I personally appreciate social media and the internet in general.
Although panic has been spread through social media, I appreciate and turn to the humorous side of the internet where creativity has bloomed. The Corona Virus memes have me laughing my butt off and Twitter has me wheezing with the comedic side of the situation. I am also a huge stan of the challenges that have popped up as a way of supporting each other. It is still women’s history month and I am loving the challenge where you post a picture of yourself and tag 10 women to do the same in a gesture of self-love. I also have to grudgingly admit that Tip Tok has been growing on me these past few days. Give it a few more days and you’ll find me out here doing all the dances! All this is proof that even in dire situations, we can always find a reason to smile.
That being said, my humorous take on the COVID-19 virus is fashion-related. Now, disclaimer: when I talk about a “humorous” side to COVID-19, it is not in anyway intended as a euphemism or as a means of watering down the seriousness of the situation. It is simply my way of finding and grasping at silver linings to stop myself from sinking into a nervous breakdown. I’m also taking the opportunity to provide 6 inspiration ideas of “stay-at-home” outfits that can be used even after we survive this pandemic.
Onto the Outfits

Let’s start by watching the Instagram video I made to feature all of these outfits!
Don’t forget to double tap on that video, comment which outfit was your favourite, share with your friends, and give me a follow so you can be a part of the LTN fam on IG!

The first outfit is a grey two-piece set that I got from Fashion Nova (SHOP CROP TOP HERE | SHOP LEGGINGS HERE). The first thing I love about this outfit is how thick it is. You can turn down that thermostat, since you tryna save money right now, and still be warm and cute! The second thing I love about this set is how stretchy and comfortable it is. Just because the world is tied up in an uncomfortable knot doesn’t mean you have to be too lol. You’re at home, get comfortable babe!
Also, don’t forget those fuzzy socks! You can get comfortable socks just about anywhere. I got this pair from Sportchek (SHOP SOCKS HERE) and no matter how many times I throw them in the wash, they always feel like I’m walking on clouds.

The second outfit featured, is a combination of a pair of white leggings (years old) and a nude Forever 21 sweater (no longer available in Canada). This is just plain and simple. I love the leggings because they are not your standard black colour so you can effortlessly add a little something extra to your outfit. Forever 21 did unfortunately close down in Canada but you can still find alternatives just about any online store so don’t lose hope! Shopping online is the way to go especially since we’re all in quarantine.

The third outfit has some motivation behind it! This is a two-piece set bought from QA Fit. This is a brand run by my girl Elizabeth (IG: @queenarewami). QA Fit no longer sells this two-piece set but they have some amazing things coming so check them out on IG (@qa_fit).
The motivation behind wearing this around the house, is that hopefully I feel compelled to work out and still achieve that flat flat stomach. I know it’s counterintuitive with all the mini Chips Ahoy cookies I’ve consumed so far but self-awareness is the first step to solving the problem so that’s where we’re at now lol.

Outfit number 4 features some black Lululemon leggings (SHOP LEGGINGS HERE) a black cropped sweater from Fashion Nova (SHOP CROP SWEATER HERE). You can never ever EVER go wrong with an all black ensemble so it makes complete sense that we’d add it to the lookbook.

Outfit number 5 is giving me spring-at-home vibes. The jumpsuit is a no-brainer outfit from Fashion Nova (SHOP JUMPSUIT HERE) that you don’t have to think about. I love jumpsuits because it’s just one item of clothing that’s super comfortable and you’re done! The jumpsuit can definitely be worn on its own, but I paired it with this lilac sweater, also from Fashion Nova. Funny story, this sweater used to be a dress but I didn’t pay attention to the laundry instructions, so now it’s a top (SHOP SWEATER DRESS HERE). This sweater adds that extra warmth in case you wanted to turn that thermostat down and save some money like we talked about.

Last, but certainly not the least, is outfit number 6 from Pretty Little Thing (No longer available :/ ). This has to be my favourite choice from this lookbook. It’s a simple black long-sleeved romper that sparkles! This is an outfit is for the day when you get fed up with dressing in sweats and you just want to put on something cute that makes you look good so you can film all of those Tik Tok dances and challenges you’ve been wanting to try lol!

That is it from me guys! I hope you found some inspiration in this article. Comment down below what your favourite outfit was. I can’t wait to hear from you.
xx Abby
So gorgeous! Loved every piece
Thank you doll!!!
Gotta stay comfortable to ease the mind in this time?